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Based on the principles established by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Committee on Publication Ethics (available at COPE Core Practise), a number of principles have been developed, compliance with which will guarantee high quality of texts published in the dsignn journal, meeting ethical standards and adhering to intellectual property rights, and will also certify the reliability of the presented scientific research results.

Editorial staff

  • decides to publish the submitted texts, taking into account only their scientific and creative value; in the field of counteracting discrimination, the editorial office complies with applicable law;

  • informs authors about all suggestions for changes in the text, excluding adjustments, typesetting and breaking of the text and corrections;

  • provides all information about the principles of reviewing texts, and its members strictly adhere to the double-blind review rule when preparing texts for review (i.e. maintaining full anonymity in the review process and not disclosing the content of the review to third parties);

  • if there is a conflict of interest with its Author, members of the Editorial Office withdraw from the process of working on the text;

  • is guided in its decisions by legal provisions regarding plagiarism, defamation, and copyright infringement;

  • rejected articles are archived by the Editorial Office. however, they may not be used by the editorial team or reviewers without the written consent of the author.

Rada naukowa

  • speÅ‚nia funkcjÄ™ nadzorczÄ… oraz doradczÄ… wobec Redakcji;

  • czuwa nad wysokim poziomem merytorycznym, naukowym i artystycznym;

  • pozyskuje dla czasopisma autorów i twórców o szerokim dorobku naukowym i autorytecie w obszarze nauki i sztuki;

  • troszczy siÄ™ o popularyzacjÄ™ publikacji oraz promuje czasopismo wraz z jego dorobkiem w Å›rodowiskach naukowych, zarówno krajowych jak i zagranicznych;

  • konsultuje i opiniuje problemy wniesione przez Redaktora Naczelnego;

  • wskazuje i inspiruje kierunki rozwoju czasopisma;

  • rozstrzyga wszelkie kwestie sporne dotyczÄ…ce zgÅ‚aszanych tekstów;

  • może opiniować we wszystkim sprawach zwiÄ…zanych z funkcjonowaniem czasopisma.


  • declare that their work will be completed within the time agreed with the Editorial Office,  and if it is not possible to prepare the review within the time specified by the Editorial Office, the Reviewer should notify the Editorial Office immediately;

  • they do not disclose any information about the submitted texts, and the texts sent to them are treated as confidential information, the review process is based on the double-blind review process principle, and the authors of the texts and reviewers do not know each other's personal details;

  • their opinions are objective and concern the substantive side of the reviewed texts, and each reviewer's opinion is appropriately justified;

  • they ensure a substantive approach to the work carried out and are specialists in a given issue, they certify this fact by signing an appropriate declaration;

  • declare to immediately report to the Editorial Office any similarity of the submitted text to other works or suspected plagiarism;

  • reviews are made based on the Review Form, ending with a clear conclusion admitting the text for publication without the need to make corrections or after the author takes them into account, or rejecting it. The review form is public and available on the journal's website

Zasady recenzowania

Po odebraniu artykułu sekretarz wydawnictwa sprawdza czy tekst spełnia wszystkie standardy techniczne, a następnie kieruje go do Redaktora Naczelnego oraz Redaktora Tematycznego magazynu dsignn.


Artykuł zaakceptowany przez redakcję do publikacji w magazynie dsignn w Akademii WIT:

  • Jest recenzowany przez niezależnego recenzenta – samodzielnego pracownika naukowego, eksperta z danej dziedziny, której dotyczy artykuÅ‚.

  • Recenzent jest wskazywany do wydania opinii spoza jednostki naukowej afiliowanej przez Autora/Autorów publikacji

  • W procesie recenzji utrzymywana jest anonimowość recenzenta oraz autora.

  • Redakcja udostÄ™pnia autorowi treść recenzji.

  • Recenzja ma formÄ™ pisemnÄ… (w tym dopuszcza siÄ™ wersjÄ™ elektronicznÄ…)


Redakcja magazynu dsignn informuje autora zgłoszonego do publikacji artykułu o etapach realizacji procesu wydawniczego:

  1. przesÅ‚aniu artykuÅ‚u do recenzentów

  2. decyzji recenzentów

  3. decyzji o akceptacji do druku

  4. spodziewanym czasie publikacji 

  5. opublikowaniu artykułu


Recenzja koÅ„czy siÄ™ jednoznacznym wnioskiem recenzenta dotyczÄ…cym warunków dopuszczenia artykuÅ‚u do publikacji w magazynie dsignn lub jego odrzucenia.


Kryteria oceny artykułu:​

  1. Ocena czy artykuł:
    → przedstawia nowe istotne problemy projektowe / twórcze
    → prezentuje nowe koncepcje projektowe / twórcze
    → przedstawia nowÄ… metodologiÄ™ rozwiÄ…zania problemów projektowych / twórczych 
    → umożliwia zastosowanie znanych metod projektowych / twórczych w nowych obszarach
    → przedstawia istotne wyniki badaÅ„ symulacyjnych lub rzeczywistych
    → przedstawia już publikowane zagadnienia 
    → jest opracowaniem przeglÄ…dowym
    → jest publikacjÄ… badaÅ„

  2. Czy tytuł jest zgodny z treścią artykułu

  3. Czy streszczenie odpowiada zawartości artykułu

  4. Czy źródÅ‚a odpowiadajÄ… stanowi aktualnej wiedzy o projektowaniu i multimediach


The editors require the authors of submitted publications to disclose the contribution of individual authors to its creation, including their affiliation. The main responsibility lies with the author submitting the text to the Editorial Office. 


When submitting a text for publication, the author is asked to declare that:

  • the submitted text is original and has not been previously published anywhere else (if the text or its fragments have been published, please attach consent and conditions for reprinting the text)

  • made every effort to prepare the text reliably, which is consistent with the standards of the disciplines specified in the Statute of the journaldsignn;

  • all data included in the text are true;

  • provided all authors working on the text submitted for publication and the correct and current affiliations of all authors.


The author is obliged to:

  • checking and accepting the content of the entire article, also in batches,
    which he did not write and is responsible for the concepts, methodologies and research results presented in the text;

  • provide consent to use photos, charts, illustrations or tables not authored by him;

  • accept all changes introduced to the submitted text
    during editorial work;

  • obtaining the consent of all authors to submit the text for publication in the journaldsignn and is responsible for communicating with the co-authors of the text, as well as providing them with all comments and decisions of the Editorial Office, and after publishing the text, the submitting author is responsible for contacting in matters related to the article and answering questions regarding the publication

  • disclosing all sources of financing for your work published in the dsignn journal, as well as the contribution of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities;

  • disclosure of any material conflicts of interest;

  • to immediately report to the Editorial Office the discovery of a significant error or inaccuracy in the text submitted for publication

  • In order to facilitate the identification of authors, each author is asked to provide an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) number.

Authors statement about their contribution to the article

For each article sent to the editorial office of dsignn magazine, the author must attach a written statement of the author submitting the article for publication.


The statement should include:

  • information about the contribution of individual co-authors to the work related to the creation of the article

  • information about tasks performed by individual co-authors that led to the presentation of new significant design or creative problems, the presentation of new design or creative concepts, the presentation of new methodologies for solving design or creative problems.


Download statement template: PDF versionDOCX version

Originality and anti-plagiarism procedure

  • The authors declare that the material sent to the editorial office is not:

– plagiarism and self-plagiarism;

– it is not a manifestation of the phenomenon of undisclosed authorship or co-authorship of the article or apparent authorship or co-authorship of the article (so-called ghostwriting or guest authorship), which is a sign of scientific dishonesty.

  • By sending the text to the Editorial Office and the publication, the Author agrees to submit the text to an anti-plagiarism procedure.

  • Carrying out the anti-plagiarism procedure ensures the originality of texts published in the journaldsignn. The editorial office uses softwareJSA Uniform anti-plagiarism system, which allows you to identify similarities between the submitted text and other publications found in indexed databases and the Internet. 

  • All texts qualified for publication in the journal are subject to the anti-plagiarism proceduredsignn.

  • The final decision to accept or reject the text for publication is made by the Editorial Office on the basis of the research report.

6. Licenses and open access and copyrights

  • In the magazinedsignn Creative Commons license applies (CC BY-ND 3.0). 

  • Each issue of the quarterly is available in printed and electronic versions, and both versions are the same.

  • All texts published in dsignn magazine are published open access, without a grace period.

  • The Licensor grants the Licensee a non-exclusive license to use the Work/subject of related right in the following fields of exploitation:

– recording the Work/Subject of related law; 

– reproduction (reproduction) of the Work/Subject of related right in print and digital technology (including e-book, audiobook); 

– placing copies of the reproduced Work/Subject of Related Rights on the market; 

– entering the Work/Subject of Related Rights into the computer's memory;

– distribution of the work in an electronic version in the Open Access formula under the Creative Commons license (CC BY – ND 3.0) via the website of the design magazine. 

  • The Licensee's use of the fixed Work mentioned above. fields is not limited in time, quantity and territory. 

7. Collection of Fees and Fees

    • The editorial office does not charge any fees for submitting the text, preparing the article for printing, or publishing it in the dsignn magazine.

    • The authors do not receive royalties for texts published in the journal.

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